Sports & Activities
  Sports and Play Ground
Keeping the idea of “a sound mind in a sound body”, the school lays emphasis on building Physical strength, fitness and endurance through evening classes apart from regular Physical Education periods. The school also utilizes the services of a qualified swimming coach to train students in the swimming pool on a regular basis. Nets and a pitch for cricket, T.T. Tables, Tennis Courts, Basketball courts, running tracks, a well equipped gym and a temperature controlled swimming pool help the school provide meaningful training in multiple disciplines of sports.
The school believes in holistic growth of each child and actively encourages every child to explore hidden talents and draws out the best in them. Apart from art, music and dance taught in the regular classes by expert teachers, time is allotted to various activities such as dramatics, public speaking, Yoga, cooking with out fire, etc and students have a pressure-free environment to explore themselves and excel in their chosen fields.

Our students have excelled in both sports and in arts and the Annual Day, which is the culminated celebration of their talent in music and dance, is a much-awaited and looked-forward-to event in Doha.

Various intra-school and inter-school competitions help the school display student talent and recognize and honour it.
  Appointments and Houses
The School inculcates the sense of leadership and responsibility among students by appointing them to perform various roles. These roles are assigned at both the senior school and junior school, in addition to those at the class level.

The following appointments are made annually through Students applications, interviews, group discussion and popular vote: Head Boy, Head Girl, Vice Head Boy, Vice Head Girl, Sports Captains (Boys & Girls), President (Activities), Secretary (Activities), Director of Debate, Director of Environment, Director of Western Dance, Director of Music, Director of Science, House Captains (Boys & Girls), House Vice Captains (Boys & Girls), House Prefects (List indicative).

The students are divided into three Houses: Lily, Lotus, Rose and Tulip, and various Inter House competitions are held to foster healthy competitiveness and to give students opportunities to display their talents. The sense of belonging that students develop for their House, class and school helps them develop values that last a life time.